I put down the bottle and picked up a book. Reading saved my life! I went from booze hangovers to book hangovers and I am the happiest I've ever been!
Wow! I was not expecting the story that came out of this book!
It took me on a twisted journey that left me spooked, giddy, be-spelled and in tears!
(yes, i cried).
It's captivating how these fairy tales, that we all grew up reading, became gruesome little horror stories. I love this book!! The beauty of it and the darkness of it. The moral lessons learned, like, dealing with the pain of loss and grief, the feelings of betrayal, how to overcome your fears and your rage before it takes control over you, and leaving your childhood that you are so use to and maturing into adulthood so fast.
Connolly's writing is beautiful, poetic and whimsical. Also it's hauntingly dark at times. Which i like the dark side of it, reminding me of Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker's eerie story-telling!
This book is definitely a favorite of mine which will be re-read in do time!
Exquisite and Enchanting and frightfully disturbing!
This book is magical!
♥ Happy Reading Y'all ♥