I put down the bottle and picked up a book. Reading saved my life! I went from booze hangovers to book hangovers and I am the happiest I've ever been!
It's hard to believe that this day has finally come.
It feels like I waited forever to read this book and finally write my feelings about it. While I was anticipating the release of the book I could not help but read the reviews on it, which just added fuel to my anticipation.
Everything said about this book is true! It is phenomenal, brilliant and bold. This book just dominates all other dystopian's. It kick all of their butts. RIGHT IN THE ARSE!
So I'll make this quick and not go into what the book is all about. You can read the summary/blurb about the book or you can read any of the following reviews above and below this one. I'm simply here to let y'all know that:
This book will make you feel emotions you never thought you could possible feel. For instance, this book brought me to tears and brought the most outrageous crying sounds out of me. I sounded barbaric!!
Once that subsided the rage came.
This book was Intense. Nail biting, edge of the seat, what the fuck is going to happen, INTENSE!!! This book deserves the hype it's getting and Pierce Brown deserve a reward for writing such an extremely fierce story. I can not wait to read more about the heroic Darrow, to see how much more awesome he get the older he becomes.
But here we are again. Playing the waiting game, anticipating the release for Red Rising's second installment. UUUGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
It is a vicious cycle that we must succumb to when we are introduced to a new series. A pain that I will suffer continuously!
Oh well! Til next time! Go read this book! and HAPPY READING Y'ALL!